DLFF is a proud partner of Holy Trinity School (HTS). Holy Trinity School takes every opportunity for children to grow and learn, with the help and support of others. Community members are learning that Holy Trinity is and continues to be a trailblazer in education. This month, we sat down with Holy Trinity School Principal, Jeffery McCusker and Director of Development, Elaine McDowell to discuss the impact of DLFF’S support of HTS.
DLFF has provided support for the efforts of Holy Trinity School with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (S.T.E.M.) education through visits of our primary grade students (PreK-2) to Snipes Farm. Students are given the opportunity to see nature at work, to understand the work that happens before they consume food, and to witness a working farm in their own community.
“Every opportunity we have to get our children out in the community and see the opportunities available, and open their minds to possibility, is wonderful,” says McCusker. DLFF also provides scholarships at the elementary level that have helped to give support to families to allow a Catholic education to remain within reach.
This year, HTS had provided a Ukrainian family of five children peace and safety on political asylum. The family, who are refugees from the Ukraine, have been able to secure funding for tuition, clothing, uniforms, books, and Christmas through Holy Trinity School.
“With the help of DLFF through the Inclusive Heart Grant, these children are attending Holy Trinity and thriving in a safe learning environment, they are learning a language, culture, and academics in a faith-filled environment,” said McCusker. Staff and students also have the opportunity to learn a new language and culture.
Holy Trinity is proud to wear the title of a Pennsylvania School State of Inclusion where the students and staff live the message of helping to provide a Catholic education to all children possible. “We are all a better school community because of these students, and DLFF along with our parishioners and staff, have made this possible,” said McDowell.
To gain status as a PA School of Inclusion, a school must demonstrate that "every student has access to the educational resources and rigor they need at that moment in their education across race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, family background, and family income, free from discrimination." Holy Trinity achieved this status with the help of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia two years ago, in recognition of the diversity in the school.
DLFF’s continued support allows children at a younger age to become more involved within their community while also continuing Catholic education into high school. With programs that connect HTS students with local high school students and faculty at Conwell-Egan, like the Rocket Competition or even an invitation to the school play at Conwell-Egan, students have come to recognize DLFF staff and scholars as friendly faces always willing to lend a hand.
HTS has many goals for the future. The school is continuing to build trust and support their students with stress, emotions, interest in education and community activities. Right now, HTS is working to continue their “Joy of Reading” initiative with a goal to purchase a vending machine full of books. Students are rewarded for their positive behavior and academic success with a punch card that, once filled, allows them to obtain a token to the book vending machine. This will further support their "D.E.A.R." (Drop Everything and Read) Program, and their monthly "Read to Succeed" assemblies.
“The machine will be $5,000 to purchase and we are hoping to raise an additional $3,000 to stock it for 2 years.” says McCusker. “It is a large goal for a small school, but we have no doubt that we will find a way.”
Both the DEAR Program and Read to Succeed Program are encouraging students to read more. For the DEAR Program, we set aside 15 minutes a day, after lunch recess, for all students to drop everything and read. This program has helped to create a calm sense in the building during this reading time. Teachers even participate too! The Read to Succeed assemblies are hosted by Mrs. McDowell, and resident Holy Trinity "Ninja."
Through a series of books, the Ninja helps to remind students about feelings and how to convey them. Some books introduced include "The Helpful Ninja," "The Quiet Ninja," "The Calm Ninja," "The Sad Ninja," and "The Frustrated Ninja" (written by Mary Nhin). These books coincide with our Middle States Goal of helping to maintain a positive school climate.
“The future for HTS is bright with DLFF’s support,” says McDowell. “We simply hope that the open communication and willingness to listen which has been a part between Holy Trinity and DLFF will continue to flourish. ‘Think Tanks’ are great opportunities for future development. We are most grateful for all the excellent resources to our program that DLFF has provided.”
Holy Trinity School is committed to continuing to make their community a safe space for all while furthering Catholic education and values. The unique talents and abilities of a person contribute much to his or her formation as a student. HTS Catholic values, high academic standards, and structured environment thrive because of the guidance and dedication of our pastor, administration, faculty, staff, parents, and school community.