We would like to spotlight DLFF Scholar, Laura Moyer, Conwell-Egan Catholic (CEC) Class of 2023. Laura used her artistic talents to paint a beautiful banner for The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) as part of Mrs. Lynch’s mentor service-learning project. Laura then led fellow DLFF team mates to finish painting in two simple but powerful words: ‘Thank You’
Laura states that the team chose CHOP Child Life Department for their service-learning project because, “We believed it was a very important subject and one close to many of our hearts.”
The banner will be hung up in a special area for CHOP’s ChildLife Department and will serve as a reminder that we are grateful for the care and commitment of our health care workers. “This project was one of my favorites. It was great to see how many toys and stuffed animals we gathered to donate, and to see the picture Nurse Jackie holding my sign was the cherry on top. This has inspired me to step up and help more with future projects” said Laura.
Great work, Laura.