DLFF Scholar Class of 2023
On Thursday, June 1, the DLFF Senior Scholars and mentors gathered in the CSL at Conwell-Egan Catholic High School (CEC) to celebrate and reflect on the last four years of being a DLFF Scholar.
DLFF Founder Tom Lynch spoke to the seniors about the importance of service and giving back to the community, as well as staying connected with their alma mater, DLFF, and their community.
Executive Director Sue DiLisio spoke to the scholars about the last four years they spent working together on various service projects that were able to accomplish with the dedication and service provided from the DLFF Class of 2023.
"We recognize the impact that the DLFF Class of 2023 scholars have had on all of us as mentors, on the growth of our scholars program, and the communities in which they have served over the past four years. We wish them all the very best on the next part of their journeys and truly hope that they will stay in touch with us,” said DiLisio.
The DLFF Mentor Team presented awards to scholars who went above and beyond in the 5 core DLFF traits:
Responsibility: Brendan Lynch
Accountability: Hailey Morath
Initiative: Allie Schiavo
Leadership: Emma Buchko
Service: Liliana Dias
Highest number of service hours for the Class of 2023: Harley Roach
The scholars were then given their yearbooks that captured their time at CEC as a DLFF scholar.
Congratulations to the DLFF Class of 2023:
James Beltle
Katharine Brennan
Emma Buchko
Bridget Cannon
Natalie Connor
Liliana Dias
Dillon Farrell
Sophia Felter
Kyle Geyer
Jose Gutierrez
Savanna Hayden
Michael Kinniry
Brendan Lynch
Hailey Morath
Laura Moyer
Aidan Pustay
Harley Roach
Allison Schiavo
Vanessa Singleton
Samantha Terry
Carmella Tullio
Margaret Walker
Leonard Zuniga
Scholars enjoying breakfast.
DLFF Founder, Tom Lynch.
Ms. Addis with Scholar Dillion Farrell.
DLFF scholar mentor team left to right: Mr. Jahmai Person, Mrs. Pam Lynch, Mrs. Sue DiLisio, Ms. Kathy Shegda, Ms. Kristin Addis, Mrs. Maggie Fischer.
Scholars with DLFF Yearbooks.